Money is an integral part of our lives. It’s what we live for. Without money, the world would be a very different place. However, it can still be hard to make ends meet sometimes.
Many people are living paycheck to paycheck, and they’re always looking for ways to save money on their homes while not sacrificing anything important in life.

In this article, you will find 100 easy tips that anyone can do right now—no matter how much money they have. Let me show you the way!
1) Use less. Buy only what you need. Don’t let things add up around the house and save up or buy gently used when needed.
2) Get a discount card at local stores like Target so you can save even more on your shopping sprees!
3) When purchasing groceries online, consider using sites like Peapod, Amazon Fresh, or Instacart. To get a discount on your groceries, shop with their coupons, but be sure to read the fine print before you sign up for membership so you know how much you’ll actually save. (Some sites will charge you after a time, others not—be sure!) Also, choose stores like Whole Foods if you have one in your area.
4) Don’t waste electricity by leaving a cell phone charger plugged in all the time even if it’s not charging anything. This little habit can cost you a fortune! It’s the same with computer chargers. Unplug them when they are not in use, and only plug one of these into the wall rather than two or three.
5) Don’t use your dishwasher as a wastebasket. This not only wastes water but also uses a lot of energy. You’ll have to run your appliance more often. Put just enough in to get the job done rather than filling it up completely each time.
6) Open a free checking account and get direct deposit for your paychecks so you can avoid checking account fees.
7) Pick up a new hobby to help you save. Make jewelry, paint pottery, or go birdwatching (which is free).
8) Start a jar for loose change and fill it up over time (it won’t take long!) to use toward special purchases when the time is right.
9) Turn off the lights whenever possible without sacrificing your safety or comfort.
10) Make your own laundry detergent and use a clothesline whenever possible.
11) Make your own rinsing aid and fabric softener to avoid toxic chemicals in your laundry.
12) Line dry items like jeans, towels, and comforters whenever possible for optimal savings on energy bills.
13) Don’t use the dryer in hot weather, especially in the summer.
14) Instead of buying new furniture all the time, rearrange the house first to give it a fresh look.
15) Stop using paper towels and use rags instead.
16) Buy food in bulk from Costco or Sam’s Club.
17) Sell things you don’t need on eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace.
18) Cut the cable TV and watch Netflix instead.
19) Get your plants from the local nursery. Invest in local plants since they are easier and cheaper to take care of.
20) Turn down the thermostat or unplug.
21) Eat fresh foods when possible. Frozen is just as good, if not better, for some items like bread and pasta. Frozen vegetables are great for when you can’t pick up some fresh vegetables at the store. Frozen fruits are also a great option, but remember to watch your sugar intake!
22) Read books instead of buying them. Tons of websites offer free eBooks or have discounted hardback copies of best-selling books. You can even take a book out from the library.
23) Plan your menu for the week before going grocery shopping.
24) Use low-cost cleaning products to clean your home.
25) Start collecting old newspapers by cutting them into strips and tying them up with string or twine. Use the newspapers to light fires in your fireplace during those cold winter evenings!
26) Learn how to make bread.
27) Clean out your email inbox once every week. If you aren’t receiving enough emails to keep it full, clean it out more frequently.
28) Update all your social media profiles once per week. When you receive only a few updates each day, it’s easy to get caught up and forget about your posts!
29) Turn off hot water while you are shaving or brushing your teeth.
30) Use reusable shopping bags instead of one-time used plastic or paper ones.
31) Learn how to make ice cream.
32) Use a coffeemaker instead of buying one at the store. Buy whole coffee beans and grind them yourself for less than half of the retail price!
33) Find ways to reduce your electric bill by turning off the lights in rooms that you spend little time in or only use when needed.
34) Don’t buy new. Thrift shop for clothes and save money.
35) Drink tap water rather than buying bottled water. You can either drink it straight from the faucet or make ice cubes with it and use them to cool drinks you have made at home (e.g., lemonade). Buying one bottle of water per day is a waste of money!
36) Use wax paper instead of foil when baking things like cookies or brownies.
37) Make a salad dressing by combining vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper in a jar and shaking them up before pouring over whatever kind of salad you like.
38) Sell what you don’t need online. You could make a fortune doing this.
39) Make sandwich wraps from flour tortillas and low-fat cheese slices.
40) Use a blender or food processor to make sauces that you use in recipes (e.g., chimichurri or pesto sauce).
41) Plant a garden that grows fruits, vegetables, herbs, and/or flowers. It’s cheaper than buying everything at the store! Grab seeds for free online. Do a Google search to find some great results.
42) Stretch floss by using it twice before throwing it away. Don’t floss every day.
43) Check your tire pressure each week with an air pump rather than taking it somewhere for inspection. You will save cash and prevent unnecessary driving.
44) Use an old shower cap or a Ziploc bag to keep your fresh produce from going bad.
45) Hang clothes out on your clothesline when you can. Be sure to hang them in the shade, or they could be damaged by the sun! Again, use an old shower cap or Ziploc bag to keep bugs away from your clothes. Those suckers will make little black dots all over everything if you don’t cover them up first. Turn your undergarments inside out so that you can extend their lifespan as well!
46) Buy used furniture rather than new whenever possible.
47) Make gift baskets using things you already have around the house.
48) Take advantage of free music downloads available on the interwebs!
49) Use a laundry ball in your washer rather than detergent. You can get creative with them too. Make them look pretty by dyeing or painting them first.
50) Unplug any appliances not being used to save electricity.
51) Avoid buying things packaged or canned unless it’s absolutely necessary (e.g., coffee, tomatoes, soup cans). Canning jars cost money, but they are reusable for storage purposes if you don’t mind the way they look! If you really find yourself wanting to buy something that’s packaged or canned, then search for the no-name brands to save a little cash.
52) Turn off your computer and unplug it when you are not using it.
53) Make creams and salves from all-natural ingredients at home, like homemade lotion bars.
54) Buy food in bulk (e.g., celery, carrots, lettuce leaves). Wash, cut up, and store them so that they last longer until you need to use them.
55) Use baking soda to clean things instead of buying cleaning products from the store.
56) Make cleaners by combining water with white vinegar or lemon rinds/juice for extra sparkle! You can also make laundry detergent with two or three ingredients (e.g., borax, washing soda) and, of course, use that to make a homemade fabric softener.
57) Buy unbleached paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissue, napkins, and diapers made from recycled materials.
58) Use the Internet to look for used items. You may find them for free! If you’re shopping in person at a flea market or garage sale, search for things like antiques or collectables rather than “new” things. You can also sell items on sites like Craigslist or eBay and make cash money and then buy what you need with that profit.
58) Walk rather than drive whenever possible (at least a few times per week to help tone your butt and thighs!).
59) Use a solar oven rather than an electric one to heat things up on warm days. Make sure you line the inside with foil or some type of reflective material for better results!
60) Buy bulk baking soda and soap flakes from the hardware store when going grocery shopping. It will be cheaper. Still, buy dish detergent there but refill the bottle with baking soda if you want! You can also use it in place of shampoo (or mix it 50/50 with your conditioner for even better results)! Lastly, wipe your sink drains with baking soda instead of buying drain cleaners.
61) Instead of cleaning products, make your own! For example, vinegar is an antibiotic cleaning agent that also works as a fabric softener.
62) Save your empty herb containers and use them to store dry foods. Olives are especially good for this purpose because they don’t go rancid like other foods might. Also, there’s no need to buy plastic bags when you can use the organic (recycled if possible) ones. They come in for things like nuts or herbs.
63) Buy old stuff from thrift stores rather than new ones wherever possible. It’s cheaper, and it keeps more stuff out of landfills! Keep in mind that most thrift stores charge a small fee for taking old appliances. Only take what you can’t fix yourself or what you know you can fix. If you have to pay for them, it just isn’t worth your time or money!
64) Cook at home instead of eating out all the time.
65) Get a roll of painter’s tape and stick it around any electrical outlet that is not getting used to prevent expensive fire hazards. You may think this tip will save you money on your electric bill, but really, what are the odds? Just don’t want the house burning down unintentionally.
66) Turn off the lights when not in use (and unplug appliances too!) even if only for a few minutes.
67) Wash clothes in cold water only. You’ll save energy, and clothing wears more slowly this way.
68) Remember, you don’t need to replace clothes and furniture every season.
69) Buy children’s clothing items on eBay rather than new ones in stores. You’ll get more variety of styles, and prices will be mostly reasonable! Search from the seller’s name if they have any feedback as you don’t want to risk buying things that never arrive or are damaged in shipping. You may also find deals on toys too.
70) To save money at big-box stores like Walmart, shop with coupons (print them online or use apps on your smartphone), purchase store brands, buy online where you can get free shipping, or use a Walmart credit card with rewards.
61) Grow some of your vegetables if possible. Even just one tomato plant will provide enough fruit for you to eat and make juice from (and it’s all organic!). You can also grow things like potatoes, carrots, peas, mint, and even lettuce! There are many innovative ways to do this on the cheap too. Search online for ideas.
62) Buy quality items that will last longer than their cheaper counterparts when buying new electronics or appliances. For example, buy an appliance made by a well-known brand like Frigidaire or Electrolux rather than going the discount route. The same goes for smaller electronic devices like cell phones. Stick with companies like Samsung (or perhaps even Apple) rather than going cheaper with a no-name brand.
63) Use rain barrels to capture water for use in your garden.
64) Don’t skimp when it comes to utilities, or you’ll end up spending more. For example, hire a reputable plumber to repair things right instead of saving $50–$100 by fixing something yourself and causing greater problems down the line.
65) Buy quality backpacks for your kids so that they will last longer. If purchased from discount retailers, they often don’t have much padding inside, which won’t be good for their backs.
66) Buy seeds in bulk at farmers’ markets near closing time, garage sales, or online via eBay if possible. It’s usually cheaper than buying small packets in stores.
67) Buy local honey and other products from people who sell at farmers’ markets, yard sales, or even Craigslist. If you like supporting your neighbors or other small businesses, this is a good way to do it.
68) Use the library for books, movies, and music instead of spending money. You can even rent videos online if there are no places near you that offer that service. Just remember to return things on time!
69) Shop around when renewing life insurance policies. You may be able to save money by doing so as prices vary widely among companies (especially if you have an older policy). Try going through an independent broker as they tend to know all the deals.
70) Lower your thermostat a few degrees during the winter to save money on heating costs, especially if you aren’t home often. It’s okay to be cold for an hour or two while you’re gone! You just want your pipes to not freeze in between.
71) Get rid of any unused items that are still useful instead of throwing them away. You can resell them at garage sales, donate them, or have a trade sale with friends (or even throw a party and invite people from Craigslist!). All these options may net you some extra cash too.
72) Consider doing business with PayPal if you plan on buying or selling things online as they have a protection program for consumers. Check out other options like Google Wallet or Square Cash or even send money via a bank account number. That way, any disputes can be submitted to the companies directly for review (still better than arbitration!). If you do go through PayPal, always withdraw your funds right away after receiving payment. If you transfer them straight into your bank account, you’ll jeopardize being able to get the dispute process started! It’s also smart to keep tracking all communications. You don’t really need it until later when they’ve already agreed that you’ll get the money.
73) Be careful when buying used items online like books, DVDs, and video games. You actually have no way of verifying anything if it’s a scam, but there are some things you can do to check for authenticity right away. For example, use the ISBN (the booklets inside many books often list these numbers). You can also try checking with friends who may have had previous copies of said items to see what they say! The better thing to do is not to get involved in these kinds of transactions as much as possible. Most things on eBay and Craigslist should be seen as scams until proven otherwise (either by research or the seller being local). Remember to check feedback if using eBay as many people do not read all their messages, especially if they have a lot of them. If you’re getting numerous warnings that you don’t know about (or emails at all in some cases), it’s best to take your business elsewhere.
74) Limit yourself when eating out at restaurants. This is the fastest way to spend money besides going on shopping sprees! Instead of doing it once a week, try to keep it down to twice a month. Bring lunch from home instead of buying something there every day (unless your job requires you to be there for 8 hours straight, then go ahead!). If going out with friends frequently, always pay for the person who has the least (or no) money. This is a nice way to celebrate special occasions and will save you at least $50 if you do it every single time.
75) Use coupons! Google has an awesome program where they’ll send daily emails of various discounts from your area (even just online). If you’re shopping for something anyway, why not grab something else for half off? It’s smart to always check out Groupon coupons as well.
76) Consider moving. If you’re living in a high-cost area with bad job prospects or even taxes, see if there are lower-cost decent areas nearby. It’s easy to forget about gas prices when looking at homes, but consider them when thinking about operating costs. You don’t want to go farther out of the way for a job that pays less only to spend three times as much on gas! Keep in mind nearby amenities you’ll have access to, especially if there are any convenience stores or malls that allow you to buy things at a higher discount than retail.
77) Renting is not always better. Many people think they save more money by renting, but this can be misleading since many landlords will include utilities and repairs while you’re paying rent. Even worse, sometimes these are even estimated and end up costing you more than expected. It’s smart to check everything before signing! Always run the numbers based on what you pay now and what utilities/repairs/other things might be added on if you rent.
78) Be careful about taking out loans. If paying off student debt or credit cards, always make at least the minimum payment. The more you pay upfront, the less it costs in interest over time! Also, putting 20% down for a home refinance will not only save you money but also qualify you for better rates.
79) Take advantage of your local library. Many cities have them, and they’re an awesome way to save hundreds of dollars every year by reading free books! If there’s a book you want to own, check Amazon or another similar site for used copies before buying new (which also supports libraries since they get a small cut!) Even DVDs can be rented out cheaply from many libraries.
80) Do not buy brand-name over store brands unless it’s a significant improvement. For example, if you’re buying a jar of peanut butter and one is 90% peanuts while another is only 30%, paying the higher cost for the better product may be worth it. However, most of the time, even if there’s some sort of difference in quality that affects you (such as with soft drinks), it would take years to make up for the extra cost paid. Don’t worry too much about what name is on your products (especially since many generic products are made by companies like Proctor & Gamble or Coca-Cola anyways ).
81) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need some information or help in figuring something out, ask a friend. Everyone has their field of expertise. If you’re trying to save money, they may be able to assist by letting you know a good deal or certain promos that retailers use to trick the average shopper. If there’s no one who can really answer your question, try asking on sites like Quora or Reddit ( r/MONEY is particularly helpful!).
82) Keep as many valuable items with you as possible. You never know when you might get mugged, so it’s smart not to keep all your valuables locked away in your home. You’ll also have access to them nearly 24 hours a day instead of having to worry about making it home in time to get your keys.
83) Keep up with maintenance. This means getting your air conditioner cleaned before the summer. It doesn’t matter if you live in the desert. Keeping a clean filter will help prevent breakdowns that cost lots of money to repair! If they’re dirty enough for you to notice, get them cleaned! Cars mean regular oil changes and tire rotations (along with buying new tires from as well as repairs when needed since preventive measures will keep costs low later on.
84) Avoid using credit cards unless necessary. While there are some good rewards credit cards out there, use them only when necessary since interest can quickly add up.
85) Don’t take out a loan unless you’re sure. Many times, we can be enticed into taking out loans, but they may or may not end up being a good deal. Always run the numbers and see how much it will cost in interest. If you need money, try getting an extra job for a while or ask friends/family if they can spot you some with cash.
86) Shop around for all your needs. Don’t always settle with the first place you find since many places offer discounts (sometimes even huge ones!) based on who you are or how big of a purchase it is. Remember, bigger stores. Go to big-box stores and online retailers that can offer lower prices because they have a bigger scale than smaller ones.
87) Put your car in storage for the winter. If there’s no need for you to keep your car on the road (such as due to extreme weather), get it off it! The insurance companies don’t know you did it, so if anyone gets into an accident with them, they can’t raise their rates. Technically, you’re still using your vehicle. This will save at least $200/year and potentially more depending on where you live.
88) Don’t buy things from people who come around door-to-door unless necessary. You never really know what these people are going to do with your information, so find a way to avoid it if possible. If you must (i.e., because they offer old magazines and you happen to love learning about history), check them out before doing business with them. Make sure that all your contact information is removed from any mailing lists they have!
89) Cut back on non-necessities. These include things like cable TV, expensive cell phone plans, or even the Internet in some cases. Most people can get by these days with their cell phones (especially if they’re unlimited data). This doesn’t really apply to businesses since those three services are pretty much required for running a household nowadays!
90) Use coupons whenever possible. Even when it comes down to basic groceries, there are usually some coupons that can be used to save a bit of money. Check out The Krazy Coupon Lady for the latest deals!
91) Get your oil changed at least every 3 months. Even if you don’t use it as much, keeping it filled with oil will help it last longer. It might seem inconvenient, but not doing so can lead to more expensive repairs in the end.
92) Use LED lightbulbs whenever possible. They’ll just plain old last forever, and they’re energy-efficient too since they use less electricity. Buying them online is also cheaper than getting them from stores and other places. You can save up to $25/year just by making this switch!
93) Go through and see if you have any old devices that can be donated or sold to make a little extra cash. Tablets, computers, cell phones, or even iPods will get picked up for cash at places like Amazon Marketplace (or even eBay)! Just check the price of it before thinking about selling it just to ensure you’ll get a decent price.
94) Don’t buy water in plastic bottles. Get a filter instead and carry bottled water from home when you’re going out. Many stores (like Target) also allow you to fill up empty bottles with their filtered water for free. Think of all the money on gas alone that we save! You can save over $1,000 a year by making this switch.
95) Cut back on eating out and start buying more groceries. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also control your portions better since buffets usually have huge servings that are hard to keep track of. It’s easy to get full and overeat if the restaurant is paying for all your food!
96) Cut back on eating junk food not only for health reasons. It’s so expensive and usually has little nutrition. Even fast food tends to be cheap just because of the low cost of their ingredients, not a discount from the actual restaurant. The same goes for ordering tons of appetizers (which are often small in size, to begin with) or anything else that won’t fill us up like a regular meal would.
97) If you can’t make your money last until the next paycheck, talk to someone about it. If you have bills that need paying, ask if they can wait until your next payday. Don’t let things pile up until it gets worse, and then you have to pay more than if you had paid them sooner!
98) Take good care of your clothes so they’ll last longer. It’s going to be way cheaper in the long run. This means not leaving things in the washer/dryer for days on end or drying them with high-heat settings (this wears out fabrics faster), following the washing instructions, and making sure that they’re properly dried before folding or storing them.
99) Repair things instead of buying new ones when possible. Replace a fuse instead of throwing away a whole appliance, get a part replaced rather than buying an entirely new piece of something, etc. You can even repair some software without having to buy another one (which is going to end up costing you hundreds just for the software alone, not even including the price of a new computer).
100) Use less water. Water is something that we use so much daily, but we rarely think about it until our bills are higher than normal, and we wonder why. Turn off the faucet when you’re brushing your teeth, showering, doing dishes, etc., and try to reduce how often you wash clothes too. (You can always do more in one load rather than multiple ones). You can save over $100 per year by making these simple changes!
Make saving a habit like eating your vegetables or taking out the trash. After all, if saving money becomes a habit, then you will never separate yourself from it. Turn frugality into a habit by using these tips on how to save money at home and get creative with it!
Which ones do you think would work best for you? Share this article with friends and family and help them save money too!